Experienced, cost effective tech solutions to develop product, extend runway and increase next round valuations.

What we provide

We take over execution risk​

  • Flexible engagement model
  • We complement with our large range of in-house skills
  • Trusted partner with deep technical expertise

We take care of all the technology needs

  • Infrastructure​
  • Software Development
  • Support and maintenance
  • Operations
  • We do everything

Cost effective reduction, supporting growth

  • Understand business requirements and plan a solution​
  • Understand business, reverse engineer existing code, refactor/ rearchitect if needed to be manageable​

How we do it

Method, Frameworks, and Constructs

  • We build a dedicated expert team for you

  • We manage product design, development, and execution

  • We develop intellectual property for you​

  • We offer pivot and surge capacity as the product evolves​

  • We assure continuity and contingency support


We are your partners through every stage of the software development lifecycle


Our expertise:

  • Product Design
  • Product Management
  • User Interface and Experience (UI and UX)​


Skills we bring to the table:

  • Software Development​
  • Consumer Product Development​
  • Enterprise Product Development​
  • Mobile Development​
  • Web Development​
  • Cloud
  • Saas
  • Infrastructure
  • Maintenance​
  • Digital Marketing

Budget and Time​

  • We offer all-in-one service and support for your product development, launch, growth, and scaling​
  • We have a fixed-cost thought launch model​
  • MVP delivery assured on your timeline​
  • We will add team members and resources (as required) to meet the deadline within the fixed-cost model​
  • We are your partner, not just a vendor, and will work to ensure your success​

Our Development Process


Stakeholder, End user interviews. Understanding their pain points and goals.

Product definition

Screening of ideas & define core functionality. Understand market size and revenue.


Developing the concept (constructing visual representation) | MVP | Market research

Detailed design

Refining the prototype. Confirmation of business plan.


Ensure prototype works as planned. Validating with end users. Testing financials.


Developing the product with complete features. Customer success involvement.